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Quay ‘Skater Of The Month’ January - Ellie Lacy

Writer's picture: Quay Skate StoreQuay Skate Store

Hey El (@l.sk8.el) so are you stoked on being Quay skater of the month?

YES! I really am, I didn’t think Id be skater of a month for a long time but I’ve been learning very hard.

Rad, you have been killing it, nice to shine some light on the locals!

It’s nice to have hard work pay off!

So give us the low down, how long have you been Skating? How did you get into it etc.

I’ve been skating 8 months all together now!

Well, I was going through I really bad time & I hadn’t done anything outside the house except food shops, and child related things for nearly 2 years… I just needed to get out the house.

Then I was hanging with a friend who asked if I’d like to learn to Skate with her, so I gave it ago.

We were sharing a board, however she ended up stopping after a few days, but I was just loving it! So I got my own board! A tony hawk complete 😎

Heelflip | West Park
Heelflip | West Park

Wow, I actually thought you’d been skating a lot longer! You definitely have progressed fast, which is why we thought you deserved Skater of the month!

Why thank you! Everyone does seem to think I’ve been skating longer, but the first time I stepped on a board was in March 2024, and pretty much just skated everyday.

Does it help having another half which Skates ha ha? Bean kills it, sure he is a big influence!

Yes it definitely does, I was skating a few months before we started seeing each other but he is definitely a massive help! I love taking inspiration from him.

If there’s something I’m struggling to learn on my own, I always know I can ask him for advice. Anything I need to know he’s the man.

Sounds like a great boyfriend then, good to see you’re keeping him in check ha ha.

He’s really the best! Super proud of him and his skating!

Nose stall | House
Nose stall | House

So, do you have any little projects coming up? Are you going away anywhere this year on a skate trip, or have any ideas to film a video edit etc.?

Not as of yet, I’d love to go away, but I have an almost 3 year old… so, I have to plan around him.

I just want to keep learning new things, I’d like to make more street clips, but me and street skating are not quite friends yet.

That is fair, I guess it can be challenging having a young one to put first, looks like you’re doing a great job though!

Thank you, he’s kitted out in some skate clothes now so one day Bean (@boglogbean) and I will get him a board aswell! He loves our garden halfpipe!

Ha ha, yea the streets can be a cruel mistress, but the more you get out there, it is such a creative playground, so to speak.

I like the quiet spots , I’ve given them a good go but I just prefer skateparks at the moment.

Well, it will be good to see you keep progressing into the new year, and always great to see another girl come through into the scene!

Front Shuv | West Park
Front Shuv | West Park

Thank you I’m sure we’ll have some good skate seshes this year! I hope we get a few more girls on the scene!

Have you managed to skate with many other girls much? there are a few now in Hull & East Yorkshire!

Have you met our girl team rider Zoe? She is rad!

I’ve skated with a few girls, some out of Hull too like Newcastle and at Boom Skatepark,  Kim (@kimfromhull) and I are friends, we’ve skated before, and have some more skating planned together soon.

I’ve not skated with Zoe (@sassyskatebadger)  yet, but I met her at the first jam I went to in Withernsea and introduced myself!

I hope we do in the future as she seems super cool and chill! I’d like to skate transition with Zoe one day.

Wicked, well I think we’ll wrap it up there! Thanks for doing this and stoked on you being our Skater of the month!

Sick! Thank you for giving me the opportunity! 😃

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